Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Weather Delayed Lesson!

Ed and I were planning on flying at 6 tonight but it was not to be. Weather in Seattle was overcast all day with visibility deteriorating from 10 miles in the AM to less than 3 miles mid afternoon. So we called it off. Unfortunately the weather did improve a bit - enough that I think we would have been okay: 10 mile visibility, "few clouds at 1600, broken ceiling at 10,000, broken ceiling at 12,000". It's the "few clouds at 1600" I'm not certain about and I'm sure Ed will set me straight. My understanding of VFR flight minimums is a) they vary for each class of airspace and b) once out of controlled airspace they are: 3 miles visibility, 500 feet below clouds, 1000 above clouds, and 2000 from clouds at your altitude. So as long as we stayed clear of the "few clouds at 1600", I reason we'd be okay.

Plus I just saw a C150 fly overhead and I bet it was flying VFR...

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